Sunday, January 26, 2014

Kitchen Island Ideas

I have a strong urge to build a Kitchen Island!
I don't have very much counter space and I've always loved islands.
I've seen a lot of industrial style islands lately and I have to admit, I am a huge fan!
I love how this island has the wood counter on the top and bottom

Galvanized pipe is what I want to use for the legs,  just like this!
Seriously, how awesome does this look?

This is how I want it to look but with the galvanized pipe.  It MUST have wheels that lock so I can move it around when I want to and then it can stay put so my little girl isn't moving it around.
So this combined with the Galvanized Pipe!  I don't mine the steel on this one either though, I could do this one.  Who know, I'm just brainstorming ideas, i'll probably change my mind again in a week!
Let me know what you think and give me some more ideas, the more the merrier!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Love String Art

I am so excited to post this project.
I've seen string art a lot on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.
With the pallet I took apart in my last post I made the sign using my Kreg Jig to hold it together.
I've seen Kreg Jigs on a lot of DIY blogs and decided to give in and buy the Jr. version.
Let me tell ya,
I love it.  I had to do some convincing while we were in Lowes to get Jefferson to let me buy it but once we got home and I showed him how it worked he kept saying how amazing it was!
 Ok, the first step is to print or free hand draw the lettering that you want onto the wood.  I printed and then nailed to nails to the paper and then ripped it off. I didn't really like the font I used so I free handed some of the nailing. 
I used embroidery thread and outlined the letters first before I got going with all of the zig zagging.
This project is super time consuming.  I think I spent between 3 and 4 hours on it (enter surprised emoji) (hint hint blogger)

It is just so cool! I love it so much!

If you would like to purchase this sign please visit my etsy shop! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How To Take Apart A Pallet

You know those piles of pallets you see all the time that you wish you knew what to do with?

Where I live they are everywhere! We get a lot of them too at our Dairy and I see pallet projects all over the place.
I've always dreaded taking apart pallets, a crowbar and a hammer just never really seemed to do the trick for me and would take me FOR EVER to take apart.

Well, fear no more I have the easiest way ever to take these bad boys apart!
On a side note am I the only one who wishes I could use Emoji's on my blog?!

Step 1: Find a pallet!  I had already cut up the back for a sign I made that's why there are some random pieces hanging from the back.
 Step 2:  Get a 9" Nail Embedded Wood blade for a Reciprocating Saw.  I got this one for about $3 at our Ace store
Step 3:  Attach it to your Reciprocating Saw

Step 4: Place blade in-between the 2 wood pieces and GO TO TOWN!!!
I seriously can have a pallet taken apart in about 5 minutes. No joke.
You will need a fresh blade every few pallets or so.  And again make sure it is a Nail Embedded Wood Blade, I have found these work the best.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Keep The Change

I am in the works of a big project so for my first "real project" post I will post a sign I just made for my Etsy shop!
I keep a jar in my laundry room for coins and random bills that Jefferson leaves in his pockets.
Random bills don't last in my pockets because I always find something to spend them on!
Some days Jefferson forgets to empty his pockets so I figured this would be a friendly reminder.
Here is the AWESOME finished product!
I had a scrap piece of wood in my garage and it measured 14x7.
I painted the wood with some Grey Valspar paint I picked up at Lowes today.

 The first one I did I printed off a piece of paper with a saying I want and traced around the letters with a Ballpoint pen.
You want to press hard enough that you leave an indent in the wood.
I then took a small paint brush and painted within the indentations in the wood.   
After I finished this sign I realized I didn't like  how unclean the lines were so I went and found another piece of wood and started a new sign. :(

Luckily I had a cute little helper

I headed to my computer made a new saying and with my Silhouette created a stencil so I could just paint over the stencil.  Much easier but if you don't have a silhouette or have a steadier hand than I do go for the pen and paper method!

I love how this turned out and hope a lucky buyer finds my Etsy shop and decides they HAVE TO HAVE IT!
I know this shop only has 2 items for sale right now but I promise it will grow! :)

Friday, January 17, 2014


Hello there!
       Welcome to The Project Garage.  I'll start off by telling you a little bit about myself and my journey to start The Project Garage and all of its goodness!
        My name is Karalee,  I am a mother to a beautiful adopted little girl and wife to an awesome husband who is always willing to go along with my "adventures".   I live in a small town an hour away from a Walmart, Lowes, decent grocery store and basically any store that would be needed to do any shopping!
        When I was in middle school and we had the option to choose whether we would want to take Shop or Home Economics; I made a mistake and took Home Ec.  Our shop teacher was missing half of a finger from wood working and I was not going to let that be me!  I have since discovered my love of wood working and I know it is in my blood.  My Grandpa was an incredible wood worker and made all of his grand daughters dressers before he passed away.  I still kick myself for not learning any of his tricks before he passed.  I hope I can make him proud with the projects I plan to do!
       This past year for Christmas my husband turned our garage into my paradise.  He came home with everything I could need and want to build all that my little heart desires!  Every day I can't wait for 6:30 to come around and my little girl goes to sleep so I can run out to my garage and start another project.
              I hope you enjoy this blog, my projects and all that inspires me!